Home Checks (Peterborough Only)

- Location: Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Cambridgeshire & Peterborough - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Frans House
Fenton Way
PE16 6UP
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01733 747474
Our Home Checks Service works in partnership with PCC Adult Social Care’s occupational therapy team and supports them to reduce their waiting list for OT assessments.
How can we help
Our advisor completes home assessments with the aim to provide aids and adaptations to enable people to continue living at home safely and independently. Equipment provided can be anything from a toilet frame, bath/shower steps, bed grab handles to kitchen trolleys. Examples of adaptations are grab rails inside or outside the home and an extra banister for the stairs.
As well as this, our Home Checks advisor reviews how service users are managing in all aspects of their day-to-day life and from this, can make referrals for other support not provided directly by this service. For example, they may be struggling with their mobility and a referral for a walking aids assessment can be made, getting a benefit check, support with visual impairment and lots more.
We also give out information for other services that people can access themselves if they feel a need. For example, free classes from ‘Healthy You’, LEAP – energy & money saving service, Safety & Wellbeing checks from the fire service, supermarket telephone shopping service.
A typical day in the life of a Home Checks advisor
‘There is no typical day and the work involved is a mixture of the following. Go out to complete a full assessment sometimes two in a day. After, I may revisit a person I have ordered equipment for and assess them with it. Upon returning to the office, I will order any equipment required, make any referrals and write up the assessment and revisit. I will create any work requests for adaptations and update our systems. I check all equipment has been delivered, all works have been carried out and that service users are happy with the result.’
Find out more
Any referrals for the Home Checks Service must go via Adult Social Care at Peterborough City Council by calling: 01733 747474 - option 4. You will be added to their OT waiting list. You are also able to refer yourself or someone you know directly or be referred through your GP or Social Prescriber.