Bistrot Pierre Pay It Forward

Published on 05 December 2022 11:12 AM
Plymouth diners celebrating with friends and family by eating out this Christmas, will also be contributing towards a free restaurant meal for an older resident in their community.
The Christmas initiative by French restaurant Bistrot Pierre will donate dinners to well-deserving Plymouth residents, in a first of its kind partnership with Age UK Plymouth.
For every Sunday Christmas party booking of six people or more in December, Bistrot Pierre, located in the stunning Royal William Yard, will gift a free Menu Pierre three-course meal to a carer or charity user nominated by Age UK Plymouth, redeemable throughout January 2023. This initiative comes at a time of year when many older people are known to be battling loneliness, alongside the ever-increasing cost of living crisis. According to a report published by Age UK, approximately 1.4 million older people struggle with loneliness and the festive season can be among one of the most challenging times of year.

Age UK Plymouth has been tirelessly supporting Plymouth’s community of over-50s eight decades, with activities and drop-in advice clinics taking place across the city. What’s more, with winter now firmly with us, the charity is running a warm space initiative at The William and Patricia Venton Centre every Friday, to help those battling with the cost-of-living crisis.
“Here at Age UK Plymouth, we were so excited to get the call from Bistrot Pierre to say we’d been chosen for their ‘Pay It Forward’ Initiative”, says David Wood, CEO of Age UK Plymouth. “Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but for many reasons it can be one of the hardest for many that we support. 1.4 million older people in the UK are often lonely, and between social isolation and the current cost of living climate this winter will be difficult for many.
“With the support of Bistrot Pierre we’re looking forward to sharing these wonderful meals with our clients and some of the volunteers who make our work possible. We’re so grateful to the team at Bistrot Pierre for choosing to partner a local charity and look forward to working with them in the future to support people living in the City of Plymouth.”

“Community is at the heart of what we do at Bistrot Pierre”, says its CEO Nick White, “There has never been a more important time to throw open our doors and welcome in those most in need within the communities we are based.
“As a thank you to our customers who continue to support us, we thought it fitting to reward their loyalty by supporting those who are vulnerable this year with a much-needed treat courtesy of Bistrot Pierre and we hope customers will want to get involved and make a difference to the lives of those living alone in Plymouth. We are still taking bookings for our Christmas period, so we're encouraging customers to try and be as generous as possible and enjoy a little bit of festive fun with us, which will also help those unsung residents in the area.
“I want to thank Age UK Plymouth for their support and also for their tireless work with those in their community. And most importantly, we hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!”
For further information about Bistrot Pierre and to book a table this Christmas, please visit: