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Jack's Big Win

Published on 07 June 2018 11:00 PM

Something to celebrate

Jack WingateAge UK Portsmouth’s staff, volunteers and service users are celebrating some wonderful news at the Portsmouth Inspiring Volunteer Awards Ceremony held on 7 June.

Jack Wingate is 89 years old and is one of our most hard working volunteers. We were delighted that he was nominated for an award at the Inspiring Volunteer Awards Ceremony. However, at the ceremony he was further surprised and delighted to be awarded the VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR award.

He is an inspiration to many of us and comes along to Age UK Portsmouth’s Bradbury Centre five days a week throughout the year to help those less mobile than himself. If anyone needs help you can often hear others saying "It’s OK, Jack’ll do it." and has become quite a catchphrase.

Jack WingateCarol Elliott, Business Development Manager for Age UK Portsmouth, says “We’ve always known we have amazing volunteers who willingly give up their time to help support older people in Portsmouth, but to have Jack recognised as the Volunteer of the Year is even more reason to celebrate.",

She goes on to say "He is older than some of the people he helps, which just goes to show that age should never be a barrier to keeping active within the community."

Age UK Portsmouth is situated in the heart of one of the most deprived areas in Portsmouth, offering a lifeline to many older people through our community home teams, volunteers and at our Bradbury Centre.

We provide vital contact within the local community, offering older people a friendly face, a helping hand and companionship. Without our support many older people would remain isolated - coming to our Centre is often the only time they leave their home and have contact with other people.