Solihull Winter Warmth Campaign

- Location: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Solihull - Head Office's catchment area.
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Central Library
Homer Road
West Midlands
B91 3RG
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01217 048080
Age UK Solihull is commissioned by Solihull Council to deliver the annual Partnership Winter Warmth Campaign. The best way to avoid problems during the winter is to be well prepared. Having your heating serviced, improving your insulation, stocking up with food essentials and ensuring you have your annual flu jab are easy steps to prepare well. Our temperature and information card gives lots of tips and advice on keeping warm throughout winter and is available free from the Winter Warmth Helpline.
Our Winter Warmth Helpline
Our dedicated helpline can offer you help with issues such as:
- Providing emergency heaters if your heating breaks down
- Receiving a ‘Safe and Well’ visit from West Midlands Fire Service
- Finding a tradesperson for emergency repairs
- Practical help on making your home warmer this winter
- Benefits and debt advice
Lines are open from 9:00am - 5:00pm from November to March. Between April and October please leave a message and we will return your call.
The risks of cold weather
People with pre-existing medical conditions, usually related to heart and respiratory problems, are most at risk during the winter. Cold temperatures can be very dangerous to older people’s health as they not only increase the likelihood and severity of flu, chest infections and other respiratory problems, but they also raise blood pressure which puts people at greater risk of heart attacks and strokes.
There are a number of reasons for cold-related illness and mortality from poorly insulated homes to sustained low indoor temperatures. Main living and sleeping areas should ideally be kept between 18°C and 21°C.
Being cold, even for just a short amount of time can be very dangerous as it increases the risk of associated health problems and preventable deaths during the winter.
Tips for keeping warm this winter
Keep internal doors closed to stop draughts
Have at least one hot meal a day
Have hot drinks throughout the day
Layer up - many layers of clothing are best
Use an electric blanket or heat pad
Close curtains at dusk
Ensure your main living and sleeping areas are between 18°C and 21°C
Keep your heating on overnight and close windows
Contact your energy supplier to find out about Social Tariffs or Priority Register Schemes
Ensure your home is well insulated and boiler serviced
Get your free flu jab if you are in a vulnerable group (click below to find out more)
Winter Wrapped Up Information Guide
See Age UK's Winter Wrapped Up guide for more tips, useful organisations and more.
Beware of energy scams
Ofgem have warned about reports of scam messages claiming to be from the energy regulator. The scam messages ask for bank details so that customers can get a rebate. As with most scams, they set a tight deadline for a response to rush customers into a decision.
See Ofgem's website for more information about avoiding and reporting energy scams.
Worried about your energy bills?
Households throughout the country are feeling anxious and worried about being able to afford gas and electricity. We have some steps that you can take to ensure your bills are as low as possible.
Find a warm welcome space
Over 3,000 registered organisations have opened or are opening up free, warm, welcoming spaces for the public over the winter across the UK. Click below to find one near you.
More energy advice
Read Age UK (national)'s advice on energy prices, what support is available and what you can do if something goes wrong.
How the Winter Warmth Campaign has helped:
"A very big thank you for the help and support you kindly provided towards my issue with [my energy company]. I could not have resolved this matter without your input. You seemed to have so much expertise and confidence and more knowledge than the [energy company] staff themselves. They obviously felt they couldn't challenge you because they looked into the matter straight away, whereas each time I contacted them, they were insisting I owed them £1,250. Thank you for persevering for me and for helping me to get a resolution and a decent deal with them in the end. The service you provide is so critical for defenceless members of the public like myself. I cannot tell you what a relief it has been after almost 2 months of wrangling with [my energy company]."
Save energy, pay less
None of us want to spend more on our energy bills than we have to.
Age UK's Save energy pay less information guide looks at ways you can save energy around your home, stay warm, and save money in the process: