Support For Carers

- Location: Age UK Solihull
- Opening hours: Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm (closes at 2pm on Weds)
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Solihull - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Solihull
The Core
Central Library
West Midlands
B91 3RG
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01217 097590
Support for carers and those they care for is now offered through the Age UK Solihull Home Support Service. Services can be purchased on a private basis or, if you and/or the person you care for have received an assessment through the Local Authority the service can also be purchased through a Direct Payment.
The Care Act 2014 gives carers the right to an independent assessment regardless of their needs for support or their financial resources. The assessment must consider how the provision of support would enable a carer to achieve their desired day to day outcomes, and whether the carer is willing and able to continue to care and have regard to whether the carer is working, training or in education or wishes to do so and; what resources or support the carer can access from the wider community. A carer can refuse an assessment. A carer’s right to an assessment is independent of the person with care needs’ rights to assessments (e.g. a carer still has a right to an assessment even if the person with care needs refuses an assessment). An assessment of your needs as a carer could result in the identification of you requiring more support in and out of the home, assistance with household tasks, respite to enable you to get out and about and maintain social relationships, hobbies and activities or simply time for yourself.
Direct Payments Support Service
If you or the person you care for are financially assessed as requiring local authority support with the cost of meeting your needs you will be allocated a Personal Budget, this budget can be managed by the Council, or you can receive a Direct Payment. You can find out more on our Direct Payments Support Service page.
Home Support Service
Our Home Support Service offers services both to those with care needs and carers. We have provided carers respite breaks or ‘sits’ for over 25 years and our staff are highly trained in supporting carers and engaging those with care needs in appropriate activities. See our Home Support Service page for more information.
Carers Trust
For specialist advice, contact Carers Trust Solihull on 0121 788 1143, or visit the website.