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A home cooking course where you receive FREE ingredients delivered to your door for 3 recipes. Once signed up, you will be put in contact with a mentor and added to a group whatsapp where you can share updates on your progress with the meals you make as part of the course.

(If you are not on Whatsapp, you will receive phone calls from your mentor for updates on your progress)

Details and Booking

This is a course that you will be signed up for to enjoy making meals from home with the guide of a mentor.

To book, please use the contact information below.

Bags of Taste contact details.png

There are also plenty of other lunch clubs that run across the Borough:

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*Please note, the lists of activities on this page contain basic information, to find out more about them, please contact the providers directly.

Do you know about an activity that isn’t on our list?

Tell us so we can get the activity added to our lists.

To print the What's On guide, please use the link below:.

Let's Lunch What's On Guide (PDF, 2.9 MB)