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Your legacy can make a difference.

Age UK Northamptonshire is committed to being there for older people who need us, but we cannot do it without the generosity of individual people in our community. 

Legacies are gifts of money, assets or personal possessions left in a will by supporters

Gifts in wills are vital to Age UK Northamptonshire, helping us run our services that thousands of older people rely on every year.  By leaving a gift to us in your Will you are investing in the future, ensuring we can support older people in Northamptonshire for years to come.

Every single gift makes a difference and we appreciate any gift you may choose to leave us after taking care of your family and friends.  Whatever the value of your gift, it can go a long way to help someone who needs us.  Everyone who leaves a gift to Age UK Northamptonshire is playing a part in our future.  Your legacy does not have to be large to make a difference. 

Why not decide to leave 1% of your estate to Age UK Northamptonshire.

If you wish to leave a gift to Age UK Northamptonshire in your Will, all you need is our charity details:

Age UK Northamptonshire, The William and Patricia Venton Centre, York Road, Northampton NN1 5QJ and our registered charity number 1059995.

Call Roger Harris on 01604 631030 if you have any queries.

Thank you

How to leave a gift in your Will

Having a Will and keeping it up-to-date helps ensure that your wishes can be respected and your property and assets benefit people and causes you really care about.  We would always recommend that you speak to a qualified professional such as a solicitor, or speak to a member of our team , who can help with both Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney applications.

Your solicitor will be able to advise you on the required wording to carry out your wishes. If you wish to leave a gift to Age UK Northamptonshire in your Will, all you need is our charity details below:

Age UK Northamptonshire, The William and Patricia Venton Centre, York Road, Northampton NN1 5QJ 
and our registered charity number 1059995.

If you already have a Will

If you already have a will and you want to include a gift to Age UK Northamptonshire, you may  not need to rewrite it.  A qualified professional such as a solicitor can add an amendment (called a codicil) for you.  As a general rule, if the change you wish to make is quite small or simple, you can use a codicil, and if the change is more significant or complex you should make a new Will. 

If you wish to leave a gift to Age UK Northamptonshire in your will, all you need is our charity details:
Age UK Northamptonshire, York Road, Northampton NN1 5QJ and our registered charity number 1059995.

What kind of gift can I leave to Age UK Northamptonshire?

You can leave a specific sum of money or an item such as jewellery or a piece of art. Or you can leave a share, such as 1% (or all of) what's left of the value of your estate after family and friends have been taken care of. The advantage of leaving a share (also known as residuary gift) is that it remains the same over time, and you won't need to change your Will to keep up with inflation.

If you wish to leave a gift to Age UK Northamptonshire in your Will, all you need is our charity details:
Age UK Northamptonshire, York Road, Northampton NN1 5QJ and our registered charity number 1059995.

Frequently asked questions

How do I make my Will?

We recommend that you speak a legally qualified professional.  The Law Society website provides a free Find a solicitor service on their website.  We work closely with  Paralegal Maureen Evans and can arrange an appointment with her so that she can help you draw up your Will.  Please call Roger Harris on 01604 631030 for details.

Is there any point in leaving a legacy if it's only a small amount?

Yes, all gifts make a difference to our clients and the services we are able to offer.  We are so grateful for any gift you feel you are able to leave in your Will.  

Can you give me legal advice about leaving a legacy?

Whilst we are not able to provide legal advice, we are always happy to discuss how your gift will be used to improve life for older people in Northamptonshire.  We do recommend speaking to our Paralegal representative Maureen Evans or contacting another legally qualified professional.

What if I change my mind?

It's your Will; you are free to add, remove or change anything in your Will at any time.  If you have any questions about leaving a legacy to Age UK Northamptonshire, we would be delighted to speak to you.  Please call Roger Harris on 01604 631030 or email

How will my legacy be used?

Any donation or gift will be used to support older people living in Northamptonshire.  Some of our services do not receive any funding and we would not be able to provide them without donations and gifts in Wills.  It is thanks to people who remember us in their Will that we can continue supporting local older people for years to come.

What kind of gift can I leave in my Will?

There are three main types of legacies:

  • a specific sum
  • a share of your estate - a percentage of the value after all other gifts and expenses have been paid.  This type of gift usually maintains its value or can increase over time.  It also means you are less likely to need to amend your Will in future.
  • a specific item - this could be something valuable such as a property, an item of jewelry or shares.

  • You will need our details

    Age UK Northamptonshire
    Registered charity number 1059995
    The William and Patricia Venton Centre, York Road, Northampton NN1 5QJ

  • You can make a difference

    You alone cannot change the world but leaving a gift in your Will is like dropping a pebble into a pool and creating a ripple, thereby influencing the future.

Please leave a legacy.

Every legacy is vital and will make a difference for years to come.

Further information you may find helpful

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