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Age UK Norwich and Panacea Pause offer new course to help women navigate menopause

Published on 23 January 2024 10:37 AM

Age UK Norwich and Panacea Pause have teamed up to offer a new eight-week pilot programme to help women navigate the menopause. Starting on March 4th, the free sessions will run at St Elizabeth’s crossroads, Cadge Road on Monday evenings between 6 – 8pm.

There are approximately 13 million peri or postmenopausal women in the UK and some have physical or psychological symptoms that can last for several years. While some women sail through unaffected, menopause can contribute to illness, an increase in mental health issues, relationship issues and the likelihood of leaving or losing jobs.

The course is designed for women who are finding that the symptoms of menopause or peri-menopause are negatively affecting their lives. It will provide tailored support to each individual attending, giving information and advice to help people manage their symptoms. Each meeting will include an information section, covering issues like hormonal changes and dietary recommendations, followed by a gentle exercise session which will help to build strength and alleviate pain.

Michelle Rowlinson, Perimenopause Coach from Panacea Pause said “Many women have minimal knowledge about the menopause, and our goal is to provide valuable knowledge, enabling people to make informed decisions about managing their symptoms. It’s more than just a series of sessions; it's a supportive journey that acknowledges the uniqueness of each woman's menopausal experience. We provide a nurturing environment where you can share, learn, and grow stronger both physically and mentally.”

Jamie Price, Head of Operations at Age UK Norwich said “Menopause has been under the spotlight recently as awareness is increasing around its impact. We wanted to offer support to those who need it so we’re really pleased to be teaming up with Michelle to launch this new course, which we hope will be the first of many. Sessions are free, friendly and focused. We hope people will leave the course with a positive plan for managing any symptoms they’re dealing with and perhaps with some new friends too.”

The full address of the venue is St Elizabeth’s Crossroads, Cadge Road, Norwich NR5 8DG. The course comprises of a total of 8 sessions with a break over Easter. Sessions are free and end with refreshments and a chat.

To register your interest in attending, please call Age UK Norwich on 01603 496 333 or email