Getting help with debt and money problems

There are many reasons why people get into debt. The lasting effects of the pandemic and rising cost of living have led to more people struggling to make their money stretch to pay for normal daily living expenses. If you are in debt, the most important thing to do is to ask for help.
The Solihull Community Advice Hubs are here to help you. Our Hub Advisers will never judge you or your situation; they will speak to you honestly about your individual situation and help you to find solutions.
Many people have found themselves in fuel debt. Our Advisers can help you with this debt. There may be grants that we can help you to apply for to reduce the debt, or we can help you to speak to your energy company.
Other ways we can help:
- Check your benefits to ensure you are getting everything you are entitled to. Many people may not realise that they are entitled to a benefit such as Universal Credit or a Council Tax Reduction. You can also check your benefit entitlement on websites such as Turn2Us
- Help you to draw up an Income and Expenditure Budgeting Sheet so you can see exactly how much you’re spending each month and where you may be able to save money. You can find an online budget template here
- Help you to understand the full extent of your debt by checking Credit Reference Agencies. You can find more information on the two largest agencies at Experian and Equifax. Both do free trials but make sure you cancel your subscription before being charged.
- Help you to manage your debt. If you are a Solihull Community Housing tennant or are at risk of homelessness due to debt you can speak to the money advice team at SCH on 0121 717 1515. You can ask to be referred to Hubs Debt Case Worker. If you have a mental health illness you may be referred to Solihull Mind. Citizens Advice can also help you. There are also national organisations that you can contact digitally or by telephone such as StepChange. The Community Advice Hubs will support you find the right organisation to help you.
- Help you to demystify the language around debt management. DMPs, DROs, IVAs, Bankruptcy - what do they all mean?!
No one chooses to be in debt but you can choose to get help and support and the earlier you do this the better.
The Community Advice Hubs can be contacted on 0121 709 7590. Click below to see current drop-in times.
Household Support Fund
Help may be available for Solihull households who are stuggling with the cost of living. Click below for details of the Household Support Fund.
Debt Advice and Casework
Age Concern Solihull t/a Age UK Solihull is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to provide not-for-profit Debt Counselling and Debt Adjusting Services. Age UK Solihull FCA Registration Number 972702. Where you consent to a referral to Solihull Mind for Debt Advice or Casework this will be carried out under the Solihull Mind FCA authorisation, Registration Number 784680. Solihull Mind is a subcontractor to Age UK Solihull for the provision of specialist Debt Advice and Casework for Solihull residents with mental health illness and disability.
You can find the Age UK Solihull Complaints Policy related to FCA regulated services here.
Complaints relating to Solihull Mind FCA regulated services should be made to Solihull Mind directly. Age UK Solihull aims to ensure all advice provided by its partners/subcontrators is of a high quality and meets the needs of individuals. Debt Advice and Casework is a regulated activity and is subject to the partner/subcontractor own policies, procedures and insurance cover.