Donate by Standing Order

Regular planned donations help us to allocate our resources more efficiently.
A Standing Order is a regular payment that you can set up to pay other people, organisations or transfer to your other bank accounts. You can amend or cancel the standing order as and when you like.
If you would like to set up a Standing Order to regularly donate to Age UK Surrey, please download our Standing Order Form here.
Online banking
If you bank online please ensure your payments go to "Age UK Surrey". Contact us for the details you will need on 01483 503414 or
Gift Aid
If you choose to set up a Standing Order to Age UK Surrey, you can make your gift worth 25% more at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid allows charities to reclaim the tax paid on the donations of UK Taxpayers, which means we get more out of the money you give to us. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please download our Gift Aid form and send it to us:
Age UK Surrey
The Clockhouse Community Centre
Chapel Lane
Surrey GU8 5EZ