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The Importance of Volunteering

Published on 01 October 2022 03:07 PM

The demand for our Befriending service continues to grow and applications to volunteer with us are now open!

Age UK Norwich is committed to help and support older residents improve the quality of life in later life.Our surveys have found that the rate of over 70s experiencing depression since the pandemic has doubled, one in three have greater anxiety, and 45% are worried about leaving their house for exercise and social contact.

Age UK Norwich want to ensure as many people as possible have access to becoming more connected within their community.

Our current team of volunteers are fantastic, many who have been with us for several years and some who are new to volunteering. Volunteers from all backgrounds and ages are welcome and the time you can offer is flexible. This allows volunteers to work around their jobs, studies, families and other commitments.

For every hour of time given as a volunteer, the impact on the recipient lasts much longer.

Our Befriending service is needed now more than ever, and this is where Age UK Norwich really can make a positive difference to the lives of older people. This is evident when around 60% of our clients move from a state of isolation, often housebound, to using their local community more regularly and increasing social connection and friendships.

Below is a comment from one of our befriendees and how they have benefitted from a befriender match.

Mr K says that he ’Is very happy with this match' and that they have ‘made a positive difference to his life’.

This fortnightly match truly shows how just a little of your time makes a much larger impact in our befriendees lives.

Become a Befriender

If you are interested in volunteering we offer comprehensive training, Volunteer Forums where you can meet with other volunteers, quarterly Volunteer newsletters to keep you updated and informed. Your volunteer journey will be supported by your Age UK Norwich Befriending team to ensure you get the absolute best out of your experience.

Telephone Befriending

Would you like to learn more about our befriending service and how you can get involved?

Active Befriending

Become an Active Befriender and make a difference to someones life.