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Menopause Day 2023

Published on 18 October 2023 04:00 PM

This World Menopause Day, Age UK Norwich is highlighting the work its Health Coaches do, to help women tackle some of the symptoms of menopause. The charity works with clients across Norwich tackling people's health and wellbeing goals on a one-to-one basis. This can include using exercise to strengthen bones, improve heart health, lose weight and improve mental health during peri-menopause and menopause.

A third of the average woman’s life will be lived beyond the menopause, and experiences of symptoms vary. There’s common awareness of fluctuating moods, hot flashes, and night sweats. There’s less awareness, however, of other factors that can increase health risks, and/or reduce the propensity for exercise. Including:

  • Insomnia due to lowered oestrogen levels that normally regular sleep. This impacts energy and tiredness.
  • Weight gain during or after menopause. Hormone changes can mean the body stores fat and burns calories less efficiently.
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs). These can be common for women with lower levels of oestrogen as bladder and vaginal tissue may change, causing an increased risk of infections.
  • Bone density. Women who have been through menopause are at an increased risk of weaker bones that may break more easily (osteoporosis).
  • Risk of cardiovascular disease increases when you have lower levels of oestrogen in your body. This can cause arteries to narrow and risk of stroke or heart disease.
  • A loss of muscle mass at a higher rate. Joints may also become stiff and achy.

All these factors can influence how women feel about their body, ranging from emotional wellness, energy, tiredness, aches and pains and strength.

According to The Menopause Charity, “having a regular exercise routine, starting in the perimenopause can really impact” and “exercise can be a really useful tool in helping to reduce menopausal symptoms themselves.”

These can include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight, mental wellbeing
  • Building muscle mass and raise falling metabolic rates
  • Reducing stress, and improving sleep
  • Keeping hearts healthy & improved mobility with age

Many women have limited understanding of the range of menopause symptoms, and there are well reported issues with accessing support. In England there’s an average of 232 days for a referral to a specialist, according to “I” news - almost double the NHS target of 18 weeks.  

Many women are not coming forward in view of discussing menopause, or don’t feel confident to discuss the symptoms they are experiencing.

Age UK Norwich provides Health Coaching for people aged 50+ on a 1-1 basis and classes in the community. These include seated exercise, dance, walking football and resistance. In 2022, we supported 650 people, giving 6,350 coaching sessions. We currently have 500 members of our clubs, with over 8,000 participations each year.

  • 72% of clients increase their levels of activity by more than 30 mins a week.
  • 92% of clients report more confidence, 99% feel less lonely.
  • 57% of clients were supported to connect to community clubs for ongoing self-care.
  • 12% reduction in systolic BP (17.4 mm Hg) and diastolic reduction of 11% (10.5 mm Hg).

At Age UK Norwich we are joining forces with Panacea Pause  - Physiotherapy with specialist experience in the physical and physiological changes that women go through during perimenopause and menopause.