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Working Together - VCFSE and Health & Social Care

Published on 27 October 2023 01:12 PM

Our CEO, Dan Skipper had the opportunity to speak at the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System Conference (ICS) last week. The ICS is a partnership of organisations that come together to plan and deliver joined up health and care services, and to improve the lives of people who live and work in their area.

Along with other Voluntary, Charity, Faith, and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) colleagues, Dan spoke about the opportunity the VCFSE provides in supporting people in communities, and how with greater integration with health and care services is key to bringing services and help closer to people’s homes and families.

Dan shared the latest on the Later Life Provider Network, a new and exciting partnership of local organisations who predominantly provide services for people aged 50 plus within Norfolk and Waveney. The network, which is connected to the ICS VCSE Assembly, aims to promote the needs and experiences of later life, collaborate and co-design services and solutions, and share best practice, including the World Health Organisation Age Friendly Principles.

Dan said “The network boasts an impressive breadth of services, ranging from specialist health, befriending, food, transport, advice, and support with social issues such as housing and debt, through to care, end of life and bereavement. These are household names like Age UK, Marie Curie, Royal British Legion as well as local experts like Norwich Door-to-Door. Embedding and connecting these services to health and care provision will ensure we maximise help for people closer to home and give better care to our residents.”

Age UK Norwich is currently supporting the development of this network, in connection with the VCFSE Assembly (The VCSE Assembly - Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS ( who has sponsored this initiative.