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Reader's Choice Cash for Charity campaign

Published on 03 January 2023 01:15 PM

The results are in! Age UK Norwich has recieved over 1,500 pounds from the Reader's Choice Cash for Charity campaign. Many thanks to the readers of the EDP, Norwich Evening News and other local Newsquest papers who voted for us.

Dan Skipper, our CEO, explains more about how the money will be used:

"It will provide funds for Age UK Norwich to buy things for people in crisis.  We spend about £10,000 each year on items to protect people's safety and health.  We provide emergency hardship grants to help people facing impossible decisions, such as heating their home, eating, affording transport to attend health appointments or improvements to living conditions such as replacing mattresses, replacing broken windows, utilities etc.

Age UK Norwich has found the city has an above average level of excess winter deaths with 19.6pc compared to 18.8pc across the county.

"We want to make sure no older person suffers in silence, and Age UK Norwich can often provide quicker support where people are not eligible for local authority or government support.  We don’t give out money, but the charity buys these emergency items for a resident.”To prepare for the level of calls we expect over the coming months, the money raised through these tokens will support the most vulnerable older people in our communities.