About us

Age UK Sunderland is a strong, local and independent charity run by and for the people of Sunderland. We support older people throughout the city through the provision of quality services and by campaigning on issues that affect them.
We firmly believe that our trusted brand and partnership with Age UK has strengthered our work for older people and enabled us to work together more effectively.
Mission statement
Age UK Sunderland aims to promote the well-being of all older people throughout the City of Sunderland, improve their quality of life and help them maintain independence.
'We believe that each person has a right to a life which maintains their personal independence, safeguards their privacy, offers genuine and informed choices, and provides opportunities for them to enjoy and contribute to the community as fully as possible, and meet their social, spiritual and individual needs.'
Tracy Collins, Chief Executive Officer
Our Services
Age UK Sunderland is working hard to help older people in the area to get more out of later life. We offer a range of services including free, reliable information and advice.
Facts about Age UK Sunderland
- We have been providing help and support to the older people of Sunderland for over 70 years.
- We are the largest local independent charity, working and campaigning on issues affecting all older people within the boundaries of the City of Sunderland.
- We provide a range of free services.
- Each week we help over 2,000 older people.
- Anyone over 50 years of age can access any of our services.
If you think we can help you with anything then please contact us.
If you wish to complain or make a comment about any aspect of the services provided by Age UK Sunderland, please click here for our Comments & Complaints Procedure.
What we do
We provide activities
Our centre has a wide range of activity groups and events, such as day clubs, arts and craft classes and exercise classes, giving older people the opportunity to keep fit, socialise, or learn a new skill.
Essence Service
The Essence Service is the first port of call for people in Sunderland who have recently been diagnosed with dementia, and those who care for them.
Keeping in Touch
Our Keeping in Touch Volunteers visit lonely older people in the community who have no one to talk to and also provide regular telephone calls. Our volunteers have visited over 300 older people who would otherwise be alone in the last year.
We give advice
Our trained advisors offer free information and advice to older people and their families. In 2018-2019 our advisers helped local older people to claim over £300,000 that they were entitled to.
Meet our people
Our Services
We have a wide range of services available to the older people of Sunderland.
Our Volunteers
Our services couldn't run without the help of our amazing volunteer team. We have over 250 volunteers helping us throughout the week. Find out more about our volunteers and how you can become a volunteer too.