Dial a Driver Scheme
This scheme is available for older people 60 years old and over who find it difficult to use public transport to get to important appointments.

Area covered: City of Sunderland including Hetton, Houghton and Washington.
The Dial a Driver Scheme’s aims are:
- To provide affordable transport to older people using DBS checked volunteer drivers and vehicles.
- To enable users to get to and from important appointments and social engagements.
- To provide dedicated support to attend appointments if required, including assisted signposting in clinical and non-clinical settings.
How does the scheme operate?
The scheme uses volunteer drivers who use their own cars for transport. You will be required to reimburse the fuel costs/vehicle “wear & tear” for the volunteer up to the sum of 50p per mile from the point the volunteer driver leaves their own home to their return. We will always try to get a driver who lives as close as possible to you (or your destination) to minimise costs.
The volunteer driver will aid from their car when attending appointments. They will usually be able to wait for short hospital/doctor appointments etc. but where an appointment lasts longer than 45 minutes it may be necessary to book a separate return trip.
Bookings are made through Age UK Sunderland by calling 0191 514 8339. When the call can’t be answered there is a voicemail facility to leave details and the call will be returned as soon as possible. Bookings can also be made via dialadriver@ageuksunderland.org.uk
This scheme is operated by volunteer drivers and is subject to the availability of volunteers.
If you require further information or would like to volunteer yourself as a driver, please call the number above.