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Keeping warm in winter is especially important as we get older as changes to our bodies often mean cold weather and winter bugs affect us more than they used to. The good news is there are things you can do to stay warm and well.

Keep moving

A little bit of activity now and then is a great way to help you keep warm, as well as help you maintain strength and mobility. So try not to sit still for more than an hour at a time.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to keeping moving, so it's important you do something that feels right – and safe – for you.

Eat well

It can sometimes be difficult to keep up the motivation to prepare meals. But it's good to try and keep to a routine where you can. Hot food and drinks can help you to keep warm, so try to have one hot meal a day and as many hot drinks as you can.

Try to have a range of foods in your diet and try to eat fruit and vegetables each day – frozen and tinned vegetables can be just as good as fresh. It's also a good idea to keep your cupboards stocked with some basics just in case you can't get out to the shops – whether due to illness or bad weather.

Get your winter vaccinations

Respiratory viruses are more widespread in winter, so it's especially important to get your vaccinations.

When you get your flu jab and coronavirus booster, check if you're also eligible for the pneumo vaccine, which helps protect you from pneumonia, and the Shingles vaccine.

Stop the spread of germs

As well as getting vaccinated, there are some other simple measures we can take to reduce the spread of illness. Regularly washing your hands with soap and water is one of the best ways to stop germs from spreading. 

You can also:

  • catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue
  • choose to wear a face covering in busy indoor spaces, like shops
  • leave windows ajar to let fresh air circulate when meeting people indoors
  • avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

Make sure your home is warm enough

Try to heat your home to a steady and comfortable temperature throughout the day in the rooms you use most, such as the living room and bedroom – around 18°C (64°F) is ideal. If there are rooms you don't use, like a spare bedroom, turn off the radiators in that room and close the doors. This will help you save on energy costs while keeping warm in winter.

At dusk, close all the curtains and keep the windows closed to help keep heat in when the weather's at its coldest. 

If you have wood or laminate floors, you may want to consider putting rugs down to insulate your home.

Wrap up well

Wearing plenty of layers is the best way to keep warm in winter. If you're heading out, make sure you take some extra layers – even if you don’t need them immediately. It's a good idea to be prepared because the temperature can drop significantly when the sun goes in.

Wearing several thin layers will keep you warmer than wearing one thick layer, as layers trap warm air between them.

Stay stocked up

It's a good idea to make sure you're prepared – winter weather can be unpredictable and can stop you from getting out and about.

Think about stocking up on cold and sore throat remedies as well as food, in case it's harder to leave the house. Your pharmacist can give you advice on what might help if you're feeling under the weather. You might also want to get big bottle of water in case the water supply is interrupted.

It can also help to keep a list of important contacts, such as loved ones or
emergency numbers, by the phone in case you need them.

Take extra care when out and about

It's important to be careful when out and about. In the autumn, fallen leaves and rain can make the ground very slippery. And in winter, ice and snow can seriously increase your risk of falls.  

You might find that shoes with non-slip soles are helpful.


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