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Age UK Milton Keynes is proud to have achieved the Age UK Charity Quality Standard (CQS) which recognises the high standard of our performance as an organisation.

Age UK Milton Keynes was awarded the Age UK Quality Marque in April 2023.
The Age UK Information and Advice Quality Programme (IAQP) shows that we offer a quality assured service.  Age UK Quality Marque

We are proud to have achieved the AQS quality mark.  The AQS is the quality mark for organisations that provide advice to the public on social welfare issues. Organisations that hold the standard have demonstrated that they are easily accessible, effectively managed, and employ staff with the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of their clients.


Quality Mark

We are proud to have achieved the Organisational Quality Standards for local Age UKs in England.

Our achievement of the Organisational Quality Standards recognises the high standard of our performance as an organisation. It certifies that we are a well-governed and effective organisation committed to the wellbeing of older people, our staff and volunteers and to working in partnership with others. The Standards are externally assessed by industry leaders SGS and endorsed by the Charity Commission.

To find out more about our Organisational Quality Standards certification, please contact us.

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Assessed by SGS United Kingdom Limited

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