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Chief Executive Officer

We are delighted to welcome Denise Stygal-Watson as our new Chief Executive Officer. 

Denise has a wealth of experience in the commercial sector and took up her post on Tuesday 6th April 2022. 

We need an Honorary Treasurer

Could you help the Board of Trustees with their financial stewardship responsibilities and be a vital link between them and the senior management team?

In charity law, members of the Executive Committee are known as "trustees". 

The aim and responsibility of every trustee is to ensure that Age UK Milton Keynes operates in a manner which enables it to fulfil the objectives given in the constitution in as effective a manner as possible.  The committee has overall legal responsibility for the work and finances of the organisation, employs the staff and manages volunteers.  Our trustees are unpaid volunteers.

At the Annual General Meeting held online on Wednesday 31st January 2024 the following people were appointed as members of the Board of Trustees:

  • Jan McMeekin

  • Maria Lang

  • Vacancy
    Honorary Treasurer

    Please call Gaye Baker on 01908 550700 if you're interested or email.

  • Christopher Kingsford

  • Janet Deeley

  • Gary Baxter

  • John Goodman

  • Sue Graham



We welcome enquiries from people interested in volunteering as a trustee.  We would love to hear from you if you have expertise in the fields of social care care or medicine.  Please get in touch on 01908 550700.

annual reports