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Finance Support Service

If you’re faced with a cost you can’t meet because of your low income, or you find yourself without any money at all, you may be able to get help from the Finance Support service.

 The Finance Support service includes:

  • Discretionary support, which is an interest free loan or grant that can help you if you are faced with an exceptional or crisis situation. Discretionary support replaces community care grants and crisis loans for household items and living costs.
  • A Budgeting Loan of between £100 and £1500 may be available if you’re receiving Pension Credit and you need to pay for an essential item. You’ll need to repay it out of your weekly benefits.
  • A Short Term Advance can help to tide you over between claiming a benefit and receiving it. You’ll usually need to repay the money within three months, out of your weekly benefits.
  • Funeral Payments can help you cover the cost of a funeral, such as burial or cremation costs and up to £700 for other expenses, such as the funeral director’s fees

Can I claim it?

To qualify for any of this help, you usually need to be receiving certain benefits, such as Pension Credit or Housing Benefit. To be eligible for a Short Term Advance, you will need to show that you’re in financial need. If you have savings of over £2,000, this will affect your eligibility for Budgeting Loans. The amount you get will also depend on other factors, such as the number of people in your household, any money you already owe to the Social Fund, and your ability to repay the loan. Budgeting Loans are not available if you or your partner currently claim Universal Credit. There are no savings limits for Funeral Payments.

How do I claim?

To help you determine what financial support is suitable for you ,your eligibility and help to apply, contact the Finance Support service on 0800 587 2750.

Download the forms 

Download the Funeral Payment form
Download the Budgeting Loan form

For more information visit

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Monday - Friday 9am – 5pm 


Last updated: Jul 03 2024

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