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Personal Independence Payment

If you need help with daily activities or getting around because of a long-term illness or disability, you may be entitled to claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

PIP has two parts - a daily living component and a mobility component.

PIP has replaced Disability Living Allowance for anyone making a new claim.

Can I claim it?

You may be eligible for PIP if you’re under State Pension age and need help with daily living activities or getting around, or both. If you’re awarded PIP before you’re of State Pension age, you’ll continue to receive it after too. You can still make a claim if you’re working. PIP isn’t means-tested, which means it doesn’t matter how much income or savings you have.

Daily living component

If you have difficulty with the following activities, you may qualify for PIP:

• Preparing food and drink
• Taking nutrition
• Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
• Bathing and grooming
• Managing toilet needs or incontinence
• Dressing and undressing
• Communicating
• Engaging socially
• Making financial decisions.

Mobility component

If you have difficulty getting around or planning and following a journey, you may also be eligible for PIP under the mobility component. You will be given a score for each activity depending on how much help you need with it. Many of the activities will take into consideration whether you can do something with the help of an aid or appliance, such as a walking stick, grab rail or shower seat. Your scores will be added up, and if you get enough points you will be awarded one or both components.

How do I claim?

You can claim PIP by phoning the new claims line on 0800 012 1573. You will then receive an application form to fill in. If you need help with this, call Age NI's Advice and Advocacy Service on freephone 0808 808 7575 for more information.

Disability Living Allowance

If you’re over 65 and getting Disability Living Allowance, you will continue to receive it as long as you meet the qualifying conditions. If your condition gets worse, you may be able to increase the level of the care component of your DLA award. Call Age NI’s Advice and Advocacy Service on freephone 0808 808 7575 for more information.

Age NI Advice Service

Every year our Advice Service deals with thousands of calls from older people in need. Call us today to make sure that you are receiving all the help and support available to you.

Call freephone 0808 808 7575
Monday - Friday 9am – 5pm 


Last updated: Jul 03 2024

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