Information and advice

- Location: Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin
- Price: Free
Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01743 233123
Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers.
How we can help
Age UK produces free information guides and factsheets on a wide range of topics, including:
• Money guides - providing information on welfare benefits, managing money, getting help with debt and tips on how to avoid scams.
• Legal guides - covering legal matters such as wills, powers of attorney, estate planning and becoming an executor.
• Health and wellbeing guides - providing information on health conditions and how to live independently with them, information around hospital stays, bereavement and supporting wellbeing through extreme weather.
• Home and care guides - covering getting help and social care at home, housing options and rights, choosing a care home, adapting your property.
You can find a complete list of guides and factsheets on the Age UK national website via the link below, and we stock a full range in our offices.
We have a number of services that provide in-depth support with enquiries, including:
Benefits advice - providing free benefits checks, assistance with claim forms and help appealing decisions.
Lasting power of attorney - providing free advice on what a power of attorney is, the different types and what choices and options a donor can make. We also provide competitive rates if you would like Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin to draw your deeds up for you.
Advocacy support and representation - to empower people, secure their civil rights and support them to access services. Our advocacy service supports people with a wide variety of issues. We can also provide face to face support through our team of volunteers in the Shropshire Council area.
Our information, advice and advocacy services are not able to:
• provide advice on financial products or recommend whether they are suitable for you,
• recommend specific products or services,
• advise on matters that sit outside our field of expertise (though we may be able to signpost or you refer you to a more suitable agency).
Opening times
Our information and advice services are available Monday to Friday, 9.00am-4.00pm.
You can book an appointment or drop-in to our Shrewsbury office.
Information and advice will always be available by telephone at the times listed above, dependent upon the availability of our information, advice and advocacy staff at the time.
Useful links
Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin have put together a list of websites and links to information that we think older people, their friends, families or carers might find useful.