Become a Telephone Befriender

Our Telephone Befriending service helps to ensure that lonely or isolated older people in Solihull have someone to talk to.
As a Telephone Befriender, you will be matched with one isolated older person to chat to once or twice a week on the telephone for around 30 minutes. Calls can take place during daytimes, evenings or weekends. The same time each week is preferred but not essential.
Your role is a social chat, without expecting you to sort out any challenging problems. You’ll need to be a good listener, and you’ll ask people if they have any support needs and let Age UK Solihull know.
This is a rewarding role, as our clients really value their volunteer who can make a real difference to their lives.
You will call from home and the older person will not be given your number.
You’ll need to be able to carry out this role for at least 6 months, although we’re aware there may be short periods when you’re unavailable.
Age UK Solihull will provide you with written guidance and telephone support from our Linking People Together Co-ordinators.
We also offer face-to-face befriending visits, so click here to read more if you are interested in visiting a client in person.