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How would you like to donate?

  • Donate online

    Giving online is quick and easy. You can make a one-off donation or a regular monthly donation to support our work through our CAF donation page.

    CAF Donation 

  • Donate by cheque

    If you would like to write us a cheque, please make it payable to Age UK Milton Keynes and post it to our Peartree Centre address.

    Find out more 

Donate furniture and household goods

Please donate your unwanted saleable items to our furniture stores. We collect larger items for free in the borough of Milton Keynes.

Gift Aid scheme

We can make your gift worth 25% more. The Gift Aid scheme allows charities to claim back the tax paid on donations, which means we get more out of the money you give to us.  You can also donate furniture and household goods to our furniture stores under Gift Aid, giving us an extra 25p for every pound we make selling your items.

Gift Aid declaration form (107 KB)