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Volunteer helps friend after a stroke

Published on 09 June 2021 10:21 AM

After hearing of his friend’s stroke and the effect this has had on his ability to play the piano, Mr Jones, one of our volunteers, began adding annotations to famous works by Johann Sebastian Bach, specifically some of his solo violin pieces, so that they can be played using either the left or right hand.
Peter (Jones) said: “I wanted to encourage people like my friend Peter, who have experienced a stroke and used to love playing the piano to start playing again and I really hope it can help them in their recovery.
“The beauty of this particular Bach music is it is so complete that it can be played with one hand. It doesn’t need the other hand for harmony. I have therefore put in the notations and fingerings for the right hand, and also for the left hand in a separate book.”
Stroke survivor Peter is finding going back to playing the piano to be an emotional experience.
Peter said: “I was in a sorry state after my stroke - emotionally, physically and spiritually. I felt totally exposed and vulnerable and couldn’t even do regular tasks, let alone hobbies like gardening and playing the piano.
“When Peter mentioned what he was sending me, the thought of going back to play the piano was amazing. I am still trying to get my single handed playing in place, it’s rather like going back to the beginning and taking lessons again.
“Playing the piano again stirs up real emotions for me when I had been given no hope that I would ever be able to play again.”
Peter (Jones) is now looking to release copies of the music for the left hand and the right hand that will be given to stroke survivors free of charge.
The music is available by post on request. You can send your details, stating which book you require (either for right or left hand) to Peter Jones at
For more information and support contact the Stroke Association at