Volunteer Party 2023
On Friday 29th September 2023, Age UK Sunderland hosted it's annual Volunteer Party at The Grand Hotel, Sunderland.
Long Service Awards
At Age UK Sunderland, some of our volunteers have been with us for a long period of time helping us to support our clients and we celebrated this with our long service awards which were presented by The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City of Sunderland, Councillor Dorothy Trueman and Consort of the City of Sunderland, Councillor Harry Trueman.
The following staff have recieved long service awards to thank them for their dedication and commitment to Age UK Sunderland;
Robert Weatherill - 5 Years
Lily Nicod - 5 Years
Frank Robinson - 5 Years
Pauline Taylor - 10 Years
Eileen Charlton - 10 Years
Mark Greenfield - 10 Years (kindly collected by Bill Steel)
Jean Brigham - 15 Years
Moira Marshall - 15 Years
Elizabeth Kirby - 15 Years
Elizabeth Taylor - 20 Years
Sandra Leeson - 25 Years
Volunteer of the Year 2023
Volunteer of the Year 2023
Age UK Sunderland is delighted to announce that the winner of Volunteer of the Year 2023 is Michael Armstrong.