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Information and Advice

  • Location: Age UK Wakefield District
  • Price: Free
Call 01977 552114 for more info

Age UK Wakefield District
7 Bank Street
West Yorkshire
WF10 1JD
United Kingdom

The Information and Advice service supports people aged 50 and over, and their carers who are residents in the Wakefield District
Our service operates seven days a week with telephone lines open 9am-5pm Monday - Friday.
We aim to reply to calls and messages within 2 working days

By contacting us you can:

• Talk your problem through with an information adviser
• Arrange a time for a telephone advice session
• Obtain guidance on completing application forms for benefits, pensions, etc

What information is provided:

Age UK information guides and factsheets. These can be posted out or are available online.

• Up to date information about support from local and national agencies and sources of self-help
• Information about and referral into the full range of our services, including home visits, assessment and support

Referrals to specialist services can also be made


In addition to our general telephone advice service, we can also offer advice sessions in your own home where required

The topics we can offer advice and guidance on include:

• State Retirement Pension
• Pension Credit
• Attendance Allowance
• Blue Badge Applications
• Disability Living Allowance
• Carers Allowance
• Housing and Council Tax Benefit
• Welfare Benefit Entitlements Calculations
• We can provide advice on access to social care and services to help you stay safe and independent in your home.

Equipment Loans

We can also offer free short term loans of wheelchairs and rollators for a period of up to six weeks.

Home delivery and collection is provided by our team.