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What is your volunteer role/s with Age UK Wakefield District?

I am a Volunteer Befriender

If someone asked you what you do in your role with us, what would you tell them, could you give us a brief description?

I am matched with two Befriending clients, before the pandemic I would visit my befriendee at home once a week to chat and provide companionship, but due to the pandemic, this moved to weekly telephone calls, I was matched with my second client at the beginning of the pandemic, as I knew that so many people would be lonely during lockdown, I felt I could offer someone else some friendship and took on a second client.

How long have you been volunteering with us?

I started in December 2015

What made you want to volunteer with us?

I initially began volunteering as a way to make positive changes in my life. I wanted to commit an hour a week to stop, relax, and have a conversation with someone as an attempt to de-stress, be present, and to hopefully make myself feel good, at the same time as helping someone in need. Be the change I wanted to see in the world.

What is the best part of your role?

Befriending is such a wonderful experience because however busy life becomes or difficult things may be, a good chat with someone you enjoy being around will always help. My befriendees are good friends now and look forward to the conversations we have about nature, gardening, family, travel and more.

What would you say is the hardest part of your role?

Sometimes it is hard to say good bye on the phone or in person. Time can run away when you’re chatting. 

Is there a particular moment or story that sticks out from your time volunteering with us?

I think when the first Christmas cards or birthday wishes come through the post from the befriendee is when we know we’re ‘real’ friends 

If someone told you they were interested in volunteering at Age UK Wakefield District what advice or encouragement would you offer?

I would say do it! And to keep a regular time free each week and keep it realistic 

How easy did you find the process of applying to volunteer with us through to getting started in your role?

Very easy, the staff at Age UK WD are always attentive and supportive