Your Voice

The Age UK National ‘Your Voice’ engagement panel allows anyone across the UK to become actively involved in consultation and engagement work for older people. We are excited to introduce our very own ‘Your Voice’ Sheffield engagement panel in conjunction with the Sheffield 50+.
Sheffield 50+ is a volunteer network of older people in Sheffield. The main purpose of the network is to develop and promote a city that values the skills, experience, knowledge, and capability of older people, and which is a city for all ages. We believe in ‘active ageing’ by following the ‘Five Ways To Wellbeing’ and actively promote its adoption across our city.
Existing Sheffield 50+ members who currently receive the newsletter will remain on the mailing list. You will receive all the usual content as well as:
- Details of the outcomes of any consultations undertaken by the ‘Your Voice’ engagement panel within the newsletter.
- An automatic invite to attend regular Sheffield 50+ meetings, which will be held in a relaxed setting offering the opportunity to raise issues that are important to you.
- Opportunities to complete surveys and online consultations, links will be included in the newsletter.
Details of our next meeting are:
Meetings occur on the first Thursday of the month, 1.00 – 2.30 pm at Age UK Sheffield’s base on the First Floor, South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue, 197 Eyre Street, Sheffield, S1 3FG.
No need to book, just turn up!
In the meantime, you can help by looking at some campaigns that Age UK National are doing. You can view the Offline and Overlooked campaign by clicking here.
Sign Up
If you'd like to become a Sheffield 50+ member and receive our newsletter, sign up here.
‘Your Voice Sheffield’ engagement panel
The engagement panel meetings will be on an ad hoc basis when required:
- You will receive invitations to attend consultation events in person or on zoom
- You will receive Invitations to get involved in National Age UK network events.
- You may also be asked to comment on Age UK policies when required
Please note that we may use findings when, for example, influencing MPs or industry, or in reports as part of our publicity and campaigns.
We ask that engagement panel members attend a minimum of three face to face or online consultation meetings per year.
If you have attended a face to face Sheffield 50+ meeting or a meeting on zoom in the last 6 months you will automatically become a member of the ‘Your Voice’ engagement panel. Should you wish to opt out please email
Sign Up - Engagement Panel
If you'd like to be a part of the engagement panel, sign up here.