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Flu Facts

Published on 27 January 2020 05:28 PM

Durham County Council would like to share their Flu Facts to as many people as possible

Getting the flu vaccination is the single best way to protect yourself against flu 

Did you know that in last year’s flu season approximately 34,800 people in County Durham in clinical risk groups did not receive their flu vaccination?  Those who are eligible for the flu jab on the NHS can receive it at either their GP practice or local pharmacy.

Who will receive the free flu vaccination in 2019/20?

  • Those aged 65 years and over
  • Those aged six months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups (e.g. chronic respiratory, heart, kidney or liver disease, a chronic neurological condition, a weakened immune system, diabetes)
  • Pregnant women
  • Those living in a residential or nursing home
  • The main carer of an older or disabled person
  • Children aged 2-3 (on 31 August 2019) and all primary school aged children

To find out more visit

Flu Facts

FACT: Having the flu vaccination is the best way to prevent catching and spreading flu. The vaccine is given every year as the flu virus is always changing.

FACT: Flu is a highly infectious viral illness spread by coughs and sneezes. As well as getting the vaccine, practising good hand hygiene by catching coughs and sneezes in a tissue, throwing it away and washing your hands after can help limit its spread (Catch it, Bin it, Kill it).

FACT: Flu isn’t just a heavy cold. A bad bout of flu is much worse than a heavy cold and at the very least confines even the fittest of people to bed.

FACT: Healthy individuals usually recover within a week, but for some the disease can lead to hospitalisation, permanent disability or even death.

FACT: Flu kills. An average of 8000 people die from flu in England each year. Adults with chronic respiratory conditions are 7 times more likely to die if they catch flu compared to healthy adults, and people with cardiovascular disease are 11 times more likely to die.

FACT: Children under 5 years are more likely to be hospitalised due to flu than any other age group. Children are ‘super spreaders’ of flu. Flu vaccination not only protects the children but it also protects other more vulnerable members of the community from a potentially horrible illness.

FACT: Flu is a highly infectious illness which spreads rapidly in closed communities and even people with no symptoms can infect others. Studies show that up to 77% of people with flu have no symptoms and so could potentially spread it to the most vulnerable.

FACT: The flu vaccination cannot give you flu. The flu injection doesn’t contain a live virus so it’s impossible to get flu from it.

FACT: The flu vaccination is very safe. Those having the injection may get a sore arm at the site of injection, a slight temperature, and aching muscles for a day or two after the vaccination

If you fall within one of the categories listed above, you should contact your GP or visit your local pharmacy to receive your FREE flu jab.

Keep Warm and Well this winter.

Durham County Councils Flu information