Age UK Sheffield Celebration 20 event
Published on 15 October 2024 01:49 PM

Celebrating 20 Years of Age UK Sheffield
At Age UK Sheffield, we recently came together for an evening to celebrate our 20th Anniversary. CEO, Teresa Barker, kicked off the night with a powerful speech, reflecting on our journey and the incredible work Age UK Sheffield has accomplished as a team.
“It’s great to see so many of the team in the same room on this chilly October evening,” Teresa began. “Tonight, we are celebrating all we do—day to day, month to month, year to year—to support older people, reduce poverty, loneliness, and improve independence and quality of life.”
Teresa shared the milestone significance of 20 years since the formation of Age UK Sheffield in its current form. We reflected on how much the organisation has grown, not just in size but in impact, including improvements in finances, team structure, and the creation of Gathering Ground and our growing retail department.
“Our mission has never been more important,” she continued. “The need we see in older people is greater than ever, but we know the difference we make through the thank-you cards, case studies, and the personal stories we hear. It’s this impact that we celebrate most tonight—the difference we make collectively, each and every day.”
A huge congratulations to all of those nominated and recognised at the Age UK Sheffield 20-Year Celebration event.
Congratulations to our Award Finalists: Else Ledger, Meg Rutter, Mark Egglestone, Daniel Ketton, Debbie Price, Stuart Corbidge, Ruth Jones, Sarah Hancock, Beverley Morton, Louise Hawley, Elspeth Mallowan, Jackie & John Bailey, Retail Staff Team & Volunteers, Carol Shepherd, Digital Volunteers Team, Ruth & Peter Larder, At Home Team, DAS Team, David Campbell, Melanie Pearson
“You are all examples of the care and dedication that make Age UK Sheffield so amazing, and we are incredibly grateful for everything you do for older people across Sheffield.”
Special recognition Should be given to, Matt Neale at Gathering Ground, Lucy Sharp for coordinating the event, and David Romero for providing excellent bar service throughout the night.
The evening also offered an opportunity to thank the many partners and sponsors who made the celebration possible, including the Northern Potters Association, Sky Cares, Hawsons, and Bradley Refrigeration.
As Teresa so aptly put it, “Our work can be intense, but tonight is about stopping, smelling the roses, and feeling proud of everything we’ve accomplished together.”
To all our staff, volunteers, and partners—thank you for your commitment and for making Age UK Sheffield what it is today. Here’s to many more years of success and impact!