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"I’m proud we run such a happy and valued place for people living with dementia in Sheffield."

I’m Steve Chu and I’m Chief Executive of Age UK Sheffield. Through our work, we support a huge number of people living with dementia in Sheffield – 587 in 2018/19.

I think a lot of misconceptions about dementia come when people aren’t familiar with the illness, or haven’t known people living with dementia. My mum and dad were both psychiatric nurses in older people’s hospitals, and then in nursing homes – my dad is still working aged 73!

When I was younger I spent a fair amount of time visiting their wards, so I developed a bit of an understanding about how people age differently, with individual needs, but how everyone responds well to warmth, conversation and being active. I remember this every time I visit our Wellbeing Centre in Norfolk Park. It reminds me a lot of the environment my mum created as a Ward Sister, and I’m proud we run such a happy and valued place for people living with dementia in Sheffield.