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Age UK Somerset collage
The vision of Age UK Somerset is:

‘That older people, their families and carers, have opportunities and access to information and services that enable them to make choices so that they experience fulfilment and satisfaction in later life’

To help make that vision a reality, our mission requires us:

‘As an organisation, and working with partner organisations, to provide valued services and promote the wellbeing and independence of older people, in all their diversity, helping them live longer and better’

The values we will seek to promote will include:

  • Using the independence of our organisation to direct our business and select our objectives so that we maximise the independence of the individual
  • Striving to earn the respect of our partners and users as well as respecting the wishes and aspirations of others
  • Seeking to ensure that the lifestyle and circumstances of older people guarantees their dignity at all times
  • Looking to empower older people
  • Celebrating diversity and always offering equality of opportunity

In dealing with each other and with all older people, all staff, trustees and volunteers will demonstrate:

  • Kindness 
  • Empathy
  • Compassion
  • Patience
  • Care