Chat and Map
What does the Chat and Map programme offer?
This is a free programme offering a holistic approach to solving a wide variety of issues that may be affecting the quality of life of an older person.
After the client requests an appointment, a member of the Age UK Somerset team visits them at their home.
It starts with a chat and ends up mapping what daily life is like for individuals. Solutions can then be found to make daily life so much better.
The service treats everyone as individuals and the issues uncovered could range from struggling with rising bills, feeling isolated and lonely, or having trouble coping in their homes. Solutions may be provided through connecting the client with other services provided by Age UK Somerset, and sometimes the client might be referred to services provided elsewhere.
Who is Chat and Map for?
Anyone aged over 60 in Somerset or North Somerset.
How to book a Chat and Map appointment
For more information get in touch with us using the contact details below.

Chat and Map Referrals
This form is for Professionals who want to refer a client to the Chat and Map service. We are now asking professionals and other agencies to submit a request for Chat and Map by completing a referral form rather than contacting us by email or telephone. This is to ensure we can provide the service required, and that we have all relevant information when the referral is made.