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What is your volunteer role/s with Age UK Wakefield District?

I am currently a Home Visit Befriender 

If someone asked you what you do in your role with us, what would you tell them, could you give us a brief description?

The Befriender role was the one that stuck out to me the most when I was searching, especially considering how lonely some elderly people are. The role involves dedicating 1 hour per week to visiting a person who has either asked or been referred to Age UK Wakefield District for a Befriender. 

You are there to keep them company and chat without any of the distractions of the outside world. You visit their home and have a cuppa and get to know them, listen and become their company 

How long have you been volunteering with us? 

I have only been with Age UK Wakefield District for coming up to 4 months now so I’m relatively new- but I have undertaken volunteering with other charities before. 

What made you want to volunteer with us?

Having lost all my own grandparents I really missed the interaction I had with them. I was close to my Grandma in particular and I loved to hear her stories, laugh about how the world is changing and just listen to her wisdom!  Also as a Radiography Lecturer for my job, my specialist area is elderly imaging , and again since becoming a lecturer I do not get as much 1 on 1 patient time anymore and I really miss it. I used to love spending time listening to my patients - even when I used to get told off for taking too long!

I saw a Facebook advert for Age UK WD and used some material for my lectures and thought it sounded like the perfect volunteering opportunity for me. 

What is the best part of your role?

My friend and I get on really well and we both look forward to our weekly chats. We have similar interests which helps and she loves to hear about my family and holidays. I also like to feel I am  supporting her family too in that I’m another person to look out for her. 

What would you say is the hardest part of your role?

I know my friend was briefly in hospital and that is the sad part- as with all things related to forming friendships and attachments , there are times when it will upset you. However you have far more bright moments- just a smile when I visit my friend is enough.

Is there a particular moment or story that sticks out from your time volunteering with us?

Not a story as such due to my short time- but my friend is 101 and she doesn’t look a day over 80- this amazes me every time I see her! 

If someone told you they were interested in volunteering at Age UK Wakefield District, what advice or encouragement would you offer?

I would say try it 
I opted for befriending, but in the future when I retire I will likely opt for other roles. There are many different things you can get involved in.
At the end of the day we have an ageing population and it’s heartbreaking to know that so many are suffering from loneliness - especially  since covid. This is a way to help make a small difference. 

How easy did you find the process of applying to volunteer with us through to getting started in your role?

Very easy! I emailed my interest and the following week I met with Vicky who took me for coffee and talked through the whole organisation and roles. You always have support in your role and I’ve just undertaken a free amazing training course recently with more on offer. You can ask anything and it’s a supportive community in Wakefield.