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Christmas, The Loneliest Day

Published on 08 December 2023 03:41 PM

Urgent Christmas Appeal

Loneliness at Christmas widespread amongst thousands of older people in Wales

Christmas Day is the hardest day of the year for many older people  

New resesarch funded by Age Cymru highlights just how lonely and isolating everyday life is for thousands of older people across Wales, especially during the festive period. According to the research nearly 85,000 people aged 65 or over in Wales say they will eat Christmas dinner alone this year. 

More than 112,000 older people, equivalent to more than one in six, told the Partnership that Christmas Day is their hardest day of the year, while nearly one in five said they wish they had someone to spend time with at Christmas. 

For many older people being alone at Christmas may be the result of their loved ones having passed away, they may have become housebound due to ill health, or their family and friends have moved further away.  

From another survey we also heard about the impact of the pandemic on loneliness as some people seemed less inclined to socialise. One respondent told us “The most significant issue is loneliness and isolation post Covid. Relationships have changed. People seem less willing to interact.” 

Age Cymru Dyfed CEO Simon Wright said, 

“Age Cymru Dyfed is working hard to help alleviate loneliness throughout the whole year in West Wales. Our help provides advice, befriending, digital skills and support services to those who need it most across Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion."

“Last year Age Cymru Dyfed used its funds to help people in so many ways. 1,761 over fifties received information and advice, 200 benefited from mental health support, 636 Befriending Life Links over 50s were helped in 2022 and 600+ were supported on their technology.

Last year, we helped Dyfed love later life in so may ways! From befriending and digital inclusion to mental health support and information and advice, plus £2.3m awarded in previously unclaimed welfare benefits!

Age Cymru Dyfed gets limited statutory funding. We believe it is vital our service is available to all who need it and that it offers free, confidential, expert advice and home visits for people with mobility problems. Donations ensure we deliver work locally."

To donate visit Age Cymru Dyfed | Donate or email us at,uk to organise the easiest way to pay.