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Our General Resources area is here to share ideas and quick tips, inspire you through positive stories and let you know some of the ways our members are making a difference. 

We want these pages to be guided by our members and encourage shared learning and resources between our members. If there is something you would like to include please email us. We will continue to celebrate your success due to the changes you have made. If you would like to be included, please get in touch.


What does dementia friendly Sheffield look like?

If you would like some basic tips on how we can make Sheffield a dementia friendly city, please view our presentation.

Creating a Dementia Friendly workplace; Supporting employees affected by dementia

If you are an Employer, Manager or Lead a team in an organisation this document will give you ideas around ways to create a Dementia Friendly workplace and support your staff who are affected by dementia.

Dementia Friendly Environment Checklist

Where possible your business premises should be as dementia friendly and inclusive as possible. This checklist will help you assess your premises.

Pledge Ideas

Need some inspiration for the pledges you can make for your membership? Simply click "Download pledges" to download the document full of great examples.

Celebrating Successes

Have you done something brilliant as part of your mission to be a dementia ally? Have you met one of your toughest pledges? Maybe you have a great example of good practice... well, we want to hear about it! Share it with us and we will share it with the whole Alliance! We are all about shouting about the great work going on beyond the scenes and learning from others! Email us your good news, big or small, and we will take it from there, the more the merrier!

Become a Dementia Friend

Dementia Friends is an Alzheimer's Society initiative. They provide free sessions to enable people to learn more about dementia and become a dementia friend. It's a great way of gaining a fundamental understanding of dementia and how to be an ally for people living with dementia, or in other words; a dementia friend! These sessions can be attended virtually. Here's more info about attending a session and the benefits this has both for individuals, your membership and your organisation as a whole!

What are other places doing to be dementia friendly?

Organisations across the UK and abroad are making changes to ensure they are able to provide a positive experience for people living dementia and their carers. Here are some examples of different organisations that are taking steps to empower and support people living with dementia.

SDAA Book Club

Books, podcasts, articles, blogs, TV shows and films can help us understand the world from someone else’s perspective. They can be powerful in showing what someone with dementia might be experiencing. We have made some recommendations below of some of our favourites that you might want to share with your colleagues, volunteers or members. They help give an insight into different people’s experience of living with or caring for someone with dementia.

Communicating with a customer with dementia

If you work in a customer-serving role, the chances are you will support customers who live with dementia. Dementia affects everyone differently so it’s important to know that you may have to communicate in different ways to suit each individual. Keep in mind that that as well as difficulties in how people with dementia use words and language, they may have hearing and sight problems, which can also make it harder to communicate. Below are some tips and advice, to help you give a positive experience.

Dementia Friendly Shows & Screenings

Many of us enjoy a trip to the cinema, theatre or a concert and having a dementia diagnosis should not be a barrier. Supportive and accessible performances mean people with dementia and their supporters can feel comfortable, at ease, understood and empowered.

Supporting someone lost or confused

How you can help make your community more dementia friendly? Helping a stranger who seems lost and confused

Dementia Friendly GPs

GP practices can play a vital role in providing initial information, advice, signposting and offering ongoing support to a person with dementia.

Celebrating Success

We want to celebrate all the hard work happening across Sheffield and share examples of the changes organisations are making as they become more dementia friendly