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Making a Difference: Annette's Journey

Published on 08 June 2023 11:17 AM

Meet Annette, an incredible volunteer who has been making a significant impact in the lives of individuals supported by Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham. Her story is a testament to the power of giving back and the profound difference volunteers can make in their communities.

Inspired to Bring Smiles:
Annette's motivation to become a volunteer with Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham stemmed from her deep desire to give something back to the community. Despite her full-time job, she wanted to make a positive impact and bring smiles to those facing challenging times. Recognising the importance of support during difficult circumstances, Annette reached out to Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham, eager to contribute her time and energy.

Years of Dedicated Service:
Annette has been a valued volunteer with Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham for over six years, dedicating her time as a befriender. In this role, she provides companionship and support to individuals who greatly benefit from her presence and care. Her commitment to befriending has been unwavering, reflecting her dedication to enhancing the lives of others.

A Memorable Connection:
One of Annette's most cherished memories as a volunteer was when she took her befriender to a table tennis session in Earls Court. The joy and connection they experienced during that outing left a lasting impression on both of them. It showcased the power of shared activities and their positive impact on an individual's well-being.

Making a Massive Difference:
Annette firmly believes that her contribution as a befriender has made a massive difference in the lives of the individuals she supports. By providing companionship and support, she offers a helping hand to those who may otherwise struggle with everyday activities. Annette's presence and dedication bring comfort and a sense of belonging, brightening the lives of those she befriends.

Enriching Personal Growth:
Volunteering has had a profound impact on Annette's own life and personal growth. It has made her truly appreciate her own blessings, including her health and the support of her family. Through her volunteer work, she has gained a deeper understanding of the challenges others face and developed a greater sense of gratitude. Volunteering has opened her eyes to the power of empathy and the significance of reaching out to those in need.

Join the Journey of Impact:
To anyone considering volunteering with Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham, Annette offers a heartfelt message: "Take yourself out of the picture and imagine the immense help you could be to someone else. We are all busy, but it is precisely because of our busy lives that we can make a real difference to someone in need. Go ahead and do it!"

Annette's story highlights volunteers' immeasurable value in enhancing older individuals' lives. Their dedication and compassion can create a brighter, more connected community. Join us in celebrating the incredible contributions of volunteers like Annette and explore how you can be a part of this journey of impact.

If Annette's inspiring story has touched your heart and ignited a desire to start your own volunteering journey, we invite you to become part of our incredible volunteer community. All it takes is some spare time and a passion for helping others, and we will take care of the rest.

Start Your Volunteering Journey

Contact our Volunteer Manager, Emily, and embark on a fulfilling journey of making a difference in the lives of local older people.