Lasting Power of Attorney

We offer a full Lasting Power of Attorney service, guiding you step by step through the entire process.
This is a paid for service, please contact us to find out more. Discounts may apply.
Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham is pleased to announce that we now offer a full Lasting Power of Attorney service, guiding you step by step through the entire process.
What Is A Power Of Attorney?
Lasting Powers of Attorneys are legal documents that enable you, while you still have mental capacity, to appoint trusted loved one(s) to make decisions around your health and financial matters, should you lose capacity to make these for yourself.
Whatever your age, it is important to consider your future and take time now to grant Power of Attorney to someone you trust.
We now offer a service to guide you through the process with a face to face visit and ensuring all paperwork is submitted correctly to the Office of the Public Guardian
We can help you to take the next step
This is a paid for service, please contact us to find out more, discounts apply.
Client Feedback
"The solicitors just sent me a wad of documents to sign and return which made me feel anxious and overwhelmed. Thank you for taking the time to walk me through and help me understand what is required’’
"I am very happy with the LPA service provided by Age UK and all options provided in order for me to make well informed decisions’’
"Thank you for all the assistance, advice and clarifying the Lasting Power of Attorney. I now understand and will make a decision after speaking to my daughter’’
"Thank you for meeting and speaking with us. We were not aware of all the other services Age UK provide and can help us with – Trusted traders, Help at Home, Benefits Checks’’
We can help you to take the next step
To find out more please call 0208 756 3040 (Option 1) OR