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Volunteers week 1-7 June 2018

Published on 29 May 2018 11:14 AM

To mark Volunteers Week (1-7 June) we are celebrating the amazing contributions that our volunteers have made with our forthcoming volunteer party on 7 June at the Ann Owens centre.

Everyone will enjoy an evening of food, drinks, music and some special presentations to celebrate the amazing contribution you make.

‘We really value the time and effort that our volunteers put into improving the lives of older people in Barnet, whether it’s helping them to fill out forms, teaching them to use their smart phone or computer or as a befriender to keep them company for an hour or so a week,’ says volunteer manager Sam Schneider.

‘This is our way of giving something back and saying thank you for all your hard work.’

Meet staff and other volunteers and bring a friend along too if you like!

If you are interested in coming along, please RSVP to

or call Sam on 020 8432 1422 by 28th May

Click here if you are interested in volunteering.

Michael Rawlings - one of our oldest serving volunteers, who has volunteered for us for 20 years, won a lifetime achievment award at the 2018 Barnet Civic Awards