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Consultative Forum Returns - Welcome Back Local and Vocal

Published on 17 August 2022 05:23 PM

The Local and Vocal Forum acts as the 'ears' and 'voice' for people aged 50 and over who reside in Hammersmith & Fulham or cares for someone who is.

The Forum exists for anyone to raise issues related to or affect local older people. The Forum holds monthly open meetings on various topics and quarterly question-time events with guest and expert speakers.

We involve older people in the decision-making process of shaping local policies. We actively contribute to the planning, designing, and delivering local services for older people.

In addition to campaigning, we hold social activities and trips, helping break down isolation by providing opportunities for older community members to socialise. We build on the Forum using older people's skills, knowledge, and experience to create new working methods.

We also act as an information hub for anyone seeking the views of older people in the borough on plans, topics or schemes that may affect older people.

Through our links with regional and national bodies, we will contribute to the broader over 50's movement and actively participate in local events.

We aim for every older person in the borough to be an equal, valued, and participating community member, able to influence policy and decision-making, challenge ageism and promote Hammersmith & Fulham as an age-friendly borough.

Join in the conversation; we welcome all. Please get in touch with to find out more information.