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June* was reluctant to have a befriender, despite being lonely, but once matched with Anthony she hasn't looked back!

'Anthony has done me the world of good.  I feel like I have known him  for 20 years as he is so easy to talk to.  He chats to me about football and local history  and makes me a cup of tea. I really miss  someone making me  tea and having the time to sit and drink it with me. . I really missed him last month when he had to go to America for his cousins wedding but he sent me post cards which was so thoughtful. I can chat to him so easily.

June was really grateful to receive one of our warm packs, just before Christmas. She had been feeling very low  that day and it really cheered her up. 'It was lovely to feel special,' she says.  'Also  since my recent fall I always feel cold and the fleece blanket and the hot water bottle were great and made such a difference!'

*Name has been changed