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In your area

The Age Cymru Partnership comprises independent local partners across Wales. We work together with Age NI  Age Scotland and Age UK to improve the lives of older people.

Your local Age Cymru partner helps with things like befriending, shopping, transport, filling in forms, advocacy, social activities, exercise classes and much more.

Each local Age Cymru partner is an independent charity and together we work in strong partnership to promote the well-being of older people through national and local campaigns, through our political influencing, our health ageing work, by fundraising and through our range of products and services.

Your local Age Cymru partner may not run the exact service you require, but they will be able to signpost to the nearest partner or organisation who does.

Age Cymru Dyfed

Age Cymru Gwent

Age Cymru Gwynedd a Môn

Age Cymru Powys

Age Cymru West Glamorgan

If you cannot find details of your local office above, please contact us and we'll direct you to a local organisation who can help. 


Last updated: Jul 08 2024

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