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Who we are

A group of older people smiling

We are local, national and international

And together, we’re providing crucial support for older people.

The Age UK Network

The Age UK Network is made up of independent charities all working in partnership to change how we age. This is also called a charity federation. Together, we’re providing crucial support for older people and driving change in pursuit of our vision of a world where every older person feels included and valued.  

We are local

Local Age UK charities work to make communities across the UK better places to grow older. They are experts in their local areas and their services are driven by what their communities need.

Local Age UKs, local Age Cymrus, and Age Scotland Orkney are all local Age UK Partners. 

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We are national

There are four national Age UK charities representing all areas of the United Kingdom. Age UK is one of them.  

  • Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales. 
  • Age Northern Ireland is the national charity for older people in Northern Ireland.
  • Age Scotland is the national charity for older people in Scotland. 
  • Age UK provides a range of services for older people across the UK and campaigns for older people’s rights, as well as providing support to all national and local Age UK Partners.

We are international

Age International is a charity which responds to the needs and promotes the rights of older people, focused on those facing challenging situations in low and middle-income countries. ​ 

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