Wills and estate planning information guide
Making a will can give you and your family peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be met after you die. Whether...
No one wants to think that there might come a time when you’re no longer able to make your own decisions. But if that time does come, having a power of attorney set up can make things much easier for you and those around you – so it’s worth planning ahead.
This guide explains how you appoint someone to make decisions on your behalf if you’re no longer able to make or communicate your decisions. It covers:
It also lists useful organisations that you can contact for impartial information and advice about setting up a power of attorney.
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This guide is also available in other formats if that's more suitable for you.
To request any of these options, you can call the advice line on 0800 678 1602.
Making a will can give you and your family peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be met after you die. Whether...
When someone dies, there are a number of practical things that have to be done. For some, these tasks may be a...
Sorting out the wills and estates when someone dies may be the last thing on your mind, or it may be a welcome...
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