Help a lonely older person this Christmas
Your gift could help an isolated older person to feel less alone, at Christmas and all year round.
Free to call 8am – 7pm 365 days a year
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Get a free weekly friendship call. We'll match you with one of our volunteers. Our service is flexible to suit the different needs of everyone who takes part.
Why do we value old objects over older people? Age UK is here to change how we age. Make change happen
Here's how, with your support, Age UK is supporting older people through the cost of living crisis.
Your gift could help an isolated older person to feel less alone, at Christmas and all year round.
For too many older people, life gets smaller as the years go by. Whether it's because their partner has died, or their support networks have fallen away, being alone and isolated is their daily reality.
This Christmas, thousands of older people will be in this lonely place. Isolation means these older people will have no one to ask for help. Not when ill health means they can't leave their homes. Not when money's so tight they're choosing between putting the heating on and buying food. Not even when they feel desperately lonely.
In their stories below, Brenda and Terry share their painful experiences of feeling alone and isolated, but they also explain how Age UK's vital services have made all the difference.
1.4 million older people expected to feel lonely last Christmas.
Will you help us give isolated older people the support and friendship they need?
Since Brenda's husband died 20 years ago, she's become more isolated with each passing year. Her mobility issues mean she struggles to get out and about and, without anyone to speak to, her days have felt long and lonely.
Age UK supported Brenda by connecting her with Jasmine, her telephone friend. The pair now enjoy weekly chats, and share stories about their experiences of working in schools.
Jasmine's friendship has helped Brenda to feel less alone.
205,796 calls
were answered by the advice line in 2021. Our specialist team is available every day of the year – including Christmas Day – to give expert guidance and information.
93% of older people
said their wellbeing had improved since receiving telephone friendship calls.
Terry had felt lonely for a long time. Her home used to be full of family, but when her son and husband died, everything changed. Terry lost touch with friends, and struggled to do the things she once enjoyed.
Speaking to her telephone friend Katherine once a week is helping Terry to enjoy conversation and connection again.
"We always end up with plenty to talk about," says Terry. "Age UK is a lifeline."
Age UK provides a range of services and your gift will go wherever the need is greatest. Age UK is a registered charity, no 1128267.