Frailty in older people
Living with frailty means it can be much more difficult to bounce back when something affects your health and wellbeing. Here’s what you need to know if you’re working with older people living with frailty.
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Living with frailty means it can be much more difficult to bounce back when something affects your health and wellbeing. Here’s what you need to know if you’re working with older people living with frailty.
On these pages you'll find a wide range of information and resources to help you deliver services that meet the needs of older people living with frailty.
What is frailty? And who does it affect? We explain what this often misused term really means.
Read how the plan will affect care for people with frailty, and what services need to deliver.
Explore conditions commonly associated with frailty and get expert resources.
These pages are written specifically for professionals working with older people. If you’re worried about someone close to you becoming frail, we’ve written a guide with the NHS that tells people the steps they can take to improve their health and reduce their risk of frailty. We’ve also got helpful information on how to prevent falls and help people stay steady.
We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs.