"For older people like me, this Christmas could be the loneliest of our lives"
By supporting Age UK, you can help give vulnerable older people the comfort they urgently need this Christmas.
Free to call 8am – 7pm 365 days a year
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Get a free weekly friendship call. We'll match you with one of our volunteers. Our service is flexible to suit the different needs of everyone who takes part.
Why do we value old objects over older people? Age UK is here to change how we age. Make change happen
Here's how, with your support, Age UK is supporting older people through the cost of living crisis.
By supporting Age UK, you can help give vulnerable older people the comfort they urgently need this Christmas.
At the close of what has been, for many, a terrifying and isolating year, older people are facing a Christmas like no other in living memory.
Living with the fear of coronavirus, and necessary but painful social distancing from friends and family, has placed enormous strain on even the most resilient of the older population. For those living on their own, the stress and anxiety has become almost unbearable.
Through our expert services, your donation could help Age UK give vulnerable older people the information and reassurance during the pandemic and beyond.
When Amrita’s husband died, she found herself feeling very alone.
Amrita has found the pandemic particularly difficult as she loves to be around other people. She told us that at times she resorted to talking to herself for company.
Our Telephone Friendship Service has helped Amrita rediscover the joy of conversation. She told us that as soon as she picks up the phone with her befriender, she barely stops talking!
“Me and my befriender, we get on like a house on fire! Loneliness is awful. It can make you feel trapped. But if you can do something about it, like use the Age UK Telephone Friendship service, it can become more bearable.”
Age UK is determined to be there for Amrita and the thousands of older people like her who urgently need someone to rely on this Christmas - but we can’t do this without donations from people like you.
If you or someone you know needs support, Age UK is here for you. Call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 169 6565, 8am to 7pm, every day of the year, or find information and advice on our website.
Age UK provides a range of services and your gift will go where the need is greatest. Age UK is a registered charity, registered charity no 1128267.