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Age UK comments on installation of CCTV in care homes

By: Age UK
Published on 17 May 2018 11:00 PM

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK, said:

“With all the media stories about abuse and neglect in care homes it can be tempting to see installing security cameras as ‘the answer’, but Age UK very much doubts this is the case. For a start, there will always be areas which cameras do not see and we would not want there to be a false sense of reassurance about the care on offer to residents. More profoundly, care homes are that just that – people’s homes - and those living in them have rights to privacy and dignity just like everyone else, especially as residents will often receive help with intimate tasks, such as washing and dressing. Any use of cameras must therefore balance concerns about older people’s welfare with their right to dignity. Certainly, as a matter of principle we think that cameras should only be used with the informed consent of care home residents or their representatives.

“Above all, we need to raise the quality of care in care homes across the board and ensure that all older people, their families and staff are involved in how the care home is run and are able to raise any concerns, confident that their feedback will be acted on.”

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