Age UK Weekly Lottery Licence & Rules
Age UK, 7th Floor, One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB, registered charity in England and Wales (1128267), Is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission ( under account number 24446; a society lottery which raises funds to support Age UK’s work for older people.
The responsible person is: Paul Farmer, who can be contacted at the above address. £1 per entry. You must be 18 or over to enter. The % of proceeds raised and declared as profit in 2023 and the likelihood of winning a prize, can be found on the Society Lotteries web page.
There is one Age UK Weekly Lottery draw per week and, once a quarter, the weekly draw is replaced by a Superdraw which is open to active Age UK Lottery players.
Age UK Weekly Lottery Rules
Entry to the Age UK Weekly Lottery
- Your purchase of an Age UK Weekly Lottery entry is from the applicable Promoter
- By entering the Age UK Weekly Lottery you agree to comply with these Rules, the rules and regulations of the Gambling Commission under legislation laid down in the Gambling Act 2005 and any further instructions or Rules issued by the Promoter from time to time.
- The Promoter may amend these Rules at any time. The Promoter will notify you of any significant changes to these Rules and will publish the updated Rules on Age UK’s Website.
- The Promoter may reject any application without giving reason at its absolute discretion if it has reasonable grounds to do so. No detail in the application may be changed in any way once it has been submitted, except for a change of address.
- You are solely responsible for providing and (where necessary) updating the Promoter with your accurate and up to date contact details and the Promoter will be in no way liable for any failure or inability to contact you due to any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the contact details that you have provided.
- The Promoter reserves the right to use winners’ names for promotional purposes. These will only be used in summary e.g. Mrs Smith from Surrey.
- The cost of each entry is £1. You may purchase more than one entry.
- Payment must be made in advance before you can be entered into the draw. Only entries for which payment has been received in full are eligible to win a prize.
- You accept that we may be unable to provide refunds or replacements once you have purchased your lottery entries.
- All proceeds from the Age UK Weekly Lottery and Raffle go to the Promoter, which they donate all of their profits. All funds are held in a separate trust account.
Eligibility to Enter
- To enter the Age UK Weekly Lottery you must be age 18 or over and live in the UK. We are not licensed to accept entries from The Channel Islands or The Isle of Man.
- You promise and confirm that you meet the Age UK Weekly Lottery entry age requirements and are able in all legal respects to enter and participate in the Age UK Weekly Lottery.
Conducting the Lottery and Prizes
- The Promoter will conduct the Age UK Weekly Lottery draw every Friday. The draw will be made utilising a Random Number Generator that has been tested and approved by an independent, Gambling Commission approved, third-party test house.
- The winning numbers will be published on the Age UK Website and will be available via the Age UK Weekly Lottery helpline from the following working day. Please telephone 0800 849 6070 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, excluding bank holidays).
- The award and receipt by you of any Lottery Prize is subject to your compliance with these Rules.
- The prizes for the Age UK Weekly Lottery are printed in the leaflets provided and are advertised on the Age UK Website. There are no alternatives to any prize and no interest is payable. You will be notified as to any change in the prize structure. You must redeem your prize within three years of the original prize being awarded.
- Cash prizes will be sent by post and paid by cheque within 14 days. You must cash any cheques within six months of receipt.
- The Promoter’s decisions made pursuant to these Rules shall, once made, be final and binding.
- You may cancel your subscription at any time by notifying us by phone, email, or in writing.
- The Promoter reserves the right to:
- decline to accept an application;
- cancel an existing subscription; and/or
- award any prize to an alternative winner if the Promoter has grounds to believe that you have breached any of these terms and conditions, acted fraudulently or illegally, or on other reasonable grounds, and the Promoter shall have no liability to you for any loss or damage you suffer arising from the Promoter exercising such rights.
- The Promoter may (without giving any reason or notice) terminate suspend or modify the Age UK Weekly Lottery.
- Any cancellation of an existing subscription will not affect your prior purchase of Age UK Weekly Lottery entries nor your rights as a holder of such entries, providing that you have complied with any applicable Rules in respect of such entries.
- The Promoter operates a Complaints and Disputes Procedure which is available via the Age UK Website and which will be made available to you upon request.
Exclusions and Limitations
- Nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit the Promoter’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, fraud or for any other matter for which liability may not be limited by law.
- The Promoter is not liable to you for:
- loss or damage, including the right to receive a prize, suffered by you if you have not complied with these rules, any relevant participation instructions or the rules and regulations of the Gambling Commission under legislation laid down in the Gambling Act 2005;
- any delays or failures in the banking system used by you or the Promoter,
- the loss, theft, delayed receipt of or damage to any communication or entry,
- the Promoter’s failure or inability to contact you and/or award any prize due to any errors omissions or inaccuracies in the contact or bank details you have provided or your failure to update these if they change,;
- loss or damage incurred by you in connection with or arising from the use of the Age UK Weekly Lottery prizes or participation in the Age UK Weekly Lottery
- any delays or failures in the Age UK website or any software, hardware or any other systems used by the Promoters for the administration of the Age UK Weekly Lottery or
- any failure or delay beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control.
- The Promoter is not liable to you in contract, tort (including but not limited to negligence) or otherwise in connection with the Age UK Weekly Lottery for loss of revenue, contract, profits, anticipated savings or loss of data, any special or indirect or consequential losses or any loss of goodwill or reputation.
- All warranties, conditions or guarantees relating to the Age UK Weekly Lottery made by or on behalf of a Promoters whether express or implied by law, in the course of dealings or otherwise, are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law.
- The Promoter’s liability to you shall be limited to the amount of any prize which has become due to you.
Responsible Gambling
- Age UK is committed to ensuring that information about how to gamble responsibly and how to access information and help in respect of problem gambling is readily available to all. Please refer to the Age UK Website or request further information via the Lottery Helpline on 0800 849 6070.
Your Personal Details
- The Promoter will use your information to enable you to take part in the Age UK Weekly Lottery. For more information about how the Promoter use personal data see the Age UK privacy policy.

We're here to help
If you have any questions about the lottery, we'd be very happy to help. Call us on 0800 849 6070 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays) or email us on